Sukriukė DAM Standard Spinner | Fishing tackle Size 1

Spinner DAM Standard Spinner

1-3 D.D.

DAM Standard Spinner - The balance between the blade of the leaf and the blade of the spinner creates a balance that is ideal for long and accurate throws. As the bait leaf rotates, it sends out continuous pressure waves that can be detected by predatory fish at long distances, inviting them to attack. The bright, snappy and provocative legendary colours are the perfect lure to tempt a wide range of predators when spinning.

The manufacturer recommends sizes 1, 2 and 3 for trout, shad and perch, and sizes 4 and 5 for salmon, pike, salmon and other predators.

size 1 - 3g
Size 2- 4g
Size 3- 6g
Size 4- 10g

Pasirinkite norimą size
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